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Some General Rules for General Anesthesia

November 8th, 2023

If you have oral surgery scheduled at our Pooler office, you have many options for your choice of anesthesia. After all, Dr. Theodotou and our team are trained in all forms of anesthesia and sedation therapy, so you will be able to choose the anesthesia experience that best suits your needs—and your comfort!

One such option is general anesthesia. If you choose this type of anesthesia, you will be carefully monitored at all times. While you are under our care, we want to make sure your treatment is safe, painless, and free from anxiety. And to make your experience go as smoothly as possible, there are some recommendations you can follow even before you arrive at the office.

  • Communication is Key

Part of our job is to let you know all about your general anesthesia beforehand. If you have any questions or concerns, please voice them. And communication is a two-way street! If you have any medical conditions, or are taking any medications, or have a cold or the flu, please let us know in advance.

  • Diet Restrictions

Talk to us before your surgery to learn about any diet restrictions you should observe before general anesthesia. You will need to abstain from food and drink for a set number of hours before the procedure, so we’ll give you directions based on whether your surgery is scheduled for morning or afternoon.

  • Dress for Success

Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Make sure your sleeves are short or easily rolled up above your elbow if you’ll need an IV line or blood pressure monitoring. Leave your make-up, jewelry, and contact lenses at home.

  • Go Along for the Ride

Ask a friend or a family member for a ride home after surgery. We want you to travel safely, and, even if you think you are good to go, your thinking and decision making, your reflexes, and even your memory can be impaired for up to 48 hours after general anesthesia. If you have arranged for a cab or a ride share, don’t call for your ride until our office gives you the all clear.

  • Plan Ahead!

For the very same reasons you shouldn’t drive for several hours after general anesthesia, there are some normal everyday activities you should postpone as well. You shouldn’t operate machinery. Cooking can wait. Arrange for help with childcare if you have young children. The effects of general anesthesia will wear off over the course of a day or two—ask us for a timeline for returning to your normal activities.

We’re experts in providing you with a safe and comfortable anesthesia experience when you have oral surgery. And part of that expertise is letting you know the specifics about preparing for your general anesthesia. If you have any questions for how to get ready for the hours both before and after your surgery, give us a call!

Common Wisdom Teeth Problems

November 1st, 2023

Have you ever wondered why people have wisdom teeth? These are a third set of molars that come in behind the rest of all your other teeth, usually during early adulthood. Scientists and anthropologists believe that wisdom teeth are a result of evolution, because our ancestors needed these extra teeth to handle their primitive diets. Nowadays, the average diet consists of fewer hard-to-chew foods, which renders wisdom teeth largely superfluous.

Most people begin to experience wisdom teeth pain between the ages of 17 and 25. Our ancestors nicknamed them wisdom teeth because they appeared at a time in life when we supposedly grew wiser.

If you’ve already had your wisdom teeth removed, you know how painful they can become if they aren’t taken care of promptly. If not, watch out for discomfort in the back of your mouth and let Dr. Theodotou know right away if you think your wisdom teeth are coming in.

In some cases, people do not experience any problems or discomfort with their wisdom teeth. These patients may keep their wisdom teeth intact if there’s enough room in their jaw to fit them properly. But this is generally not the case, so wisdom teeth can cause several concerns, depending on which direction they grow.

Common problems include:

  • Damage to surrounding teeth due to the pressure from the emerging teeth
  • Infection that causes the surrounding gums to swell and become painful
  • Tooth decay due to the lack of room to clean the teeth properly
  • Impaction (when the tooth is unable to break through the skin)
  • A cyst that may damage the jaw, the surrounding teeth, and nerves

If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed yet, there are many symptoms to watch out for when they begin to grow. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain or stiffness in the jaw
  • Tooth irritation
  • Swelling of gum tissue
  • Crowding of other teeth
  • Spread of tooth decay or gum disease on nearby teeth

If you’ve noticed these symptoms, schedule an appointment at our Pooler office. Don’t forget: This is a common procedure that will take some time to recover from. Allow your mouth to heal, and then you’ll be able to get back to a normal routine quickly and be free from pain!

What is orthognathic surgery?

November 1st, 2023

Orthognathic surgery is surgery to correct a wide variety of abnormalities of our patients' jaw and teeth. The surgery is often done in conjunction with orthodontic treatment. While the patient’s appearance may be significantly improved as a result, the primary purpose of the surgery is to correct functional problems including but not limited to:

  • Unbalanced facial appearance
  • Protruding jaw
  • Open bite (upper and lower teeth don’t overlap properly
  • Excessive wearing down of the teeth
  • Difficulty with chewing or biting
  • Chronic mouth breathing
  • Sleeping problems such as sleep apnea
  • TMJ pain (jaw joint pain)
  • Restoring facial injuries

Knowing when to start the orthodontic treatment in preparation for orthognathic surgery can also be tricky if our team at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Coastal Georgia is treating a teenager. It is important to know when to get started. If orthodontic treatment is initiated too soon and the teenager is still growing, the patient will either need to hold in braces until his or her growth is complete and they are ready for surgery or the braces will have to be removed and then placed again when growth is complete. Neither of these options is attractive since it requires longer time in treatment, which is something all our patients want to avoid. Our team at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Coastal Georgia strives to get all patients finished with treatment as quickly as possible because it is healthier for the teeth and gums and gives them a beautiful smile to enjoy for a lifetime.

If you are considering orthognathic surgery or you have been told that you need jaw surgery, give us a call to schedule your initial consultation today. Dr. Theodotou and our team at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Coastal Georgia will explain our treatment plan in a way you will understand and we will keep you informed every step of the way.

Pain after Root Canal? Perhaps an Apicoectomy Is the Answer

October 25th, 2023

Happily, a root canal is usually all that you need to treat an infection in your inner tooth. But when inflammation or infection returns at the tip of the root, or in the bone surrounding the tip, your dentist may recommend that you see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon like Dr. Theodotou for further diagnosis and treatment.

And often when pain, inflammation, or infection recur after a root canal, we may suggest an apicoectomy—a procedure that can save your natural tooth and prevent further infection or damage to the neighboring bone and teeth.

  • Just what is an apicoectomy?

The tip of a root is also called its “apex.” An apicoectomy means the surgical removal (“ectomy”) of the apex (“apico”) of a tooth’s root.

  • How does the procedure work?

Often local anesthesia is all that is needed. (But if you have concerns, talk to us about your anesthesia and sedation options. We are expert in all forms of anesthesia.)

After the area is numb, an incision is made in the gum tissue to allow access to the root and any affected bone tissue.

Dr. Theodotou will carefully remove the tip of the root and any damaged or infected tissue from the bone surrounding it. The root end will then be cleaned and sealed.

Stitches or sutures will be used to close the incision, which will either dissolve on their own or which will be removed on a follow-up visit. We will let you know just how to take care of the site after surgery.

In general, any pain or sensitivity after the procedure can be treated with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relief such as ibuprofen. Patients should follow post-op instructions carefully to reduce any swelling, and be sure to follow any dietary suggestions and restrictions.

  • Why choose an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for your apicoectomy?

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon has the training and skill to perform this specialized procedure. After dental school, oral surgeons pursue four to six years of additional advanced medical studies at a residency-based hospital.

They train with medical residents in the fields of anesthesiology, general surgery, internal medicine, and other surgical areas, concentrating on the bone, skin, and muscle of the face and jaw. They are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat oral conditions that require a surgical solution, and routinely perform procedures such as apicoectomies.

Happily, a root canal is usually all that you need to treat an infection in your inner tooth. But if you have recurring or new pain or infection after a root canal, and if you want to preserve your natural tooth, an apicoectomy at our Pooler office is an option well worth investigating.